

Digital future lies ahead

Publication date: 2 July 2020

Author: Editorial Team

The Corona Virus pandemic is a humanitarian crisis which has taken a humongous toll on people’s lives both personally and professionally. It has posed challenges like never before on business progression and economy.


But it has also been able to bring about an extraordinary change in aspects we never imagined!


The pace and the way with which the world is changing and moving towards the future, it would be convenient to conclude that however uncertain the future might look like it is surely going to be DIGITAL!



New opportunities of innovation and collaboration


The challenges COVID-19 has brought in have drastically changed the conventional ways of doing business. It has paved a path for new opportunities showcasing a side of innovation and collaboration. The world has seen a wave of change in the way businesses have adapted to digital solutions to collaborate, operate and learn highlighting the importance of digital business models and processes.


COVID-19 has surfaced how human dependent businesses are, how unpredictable world can be and how quickly it can be disrupted. While we see a digital future lying ahead of us, the best solution is also to move our business towards process dependency driven by digital transformation.



Uninterrupted operations and business


While most of the organizations have been skeptical about this decision, time has never been so right to accelerate this decision and go digital. Transforming the business from person dependent to process and technology dependent is the key to moving forward. This shift will ensure uninterrupted operations and business even in times of social distancing.



New digital era post pandemic


The COVID-19 has also made a positive change in the consumer behavior in adapting digital solutions without any resistance. The demand for digital solutions is greater than ever before as consumer is looking for new and innovative solutions to maintain digital and contactless ecosystem. The companies who would adapt to this change of consumer demand swiftly and effectively would succeed in the new digital era post pandemic.



Based on the expert interviews and research, we foresee some of the following areas where the digital transformation is going to change the way we do business today:


  • Process automation for contactless value addition without human interventions
  • Distance Collaboration and learning solutions with E-Learning Platforms, Coaching Apps, Multidimensional Webinars, VR Learnings
  • E-commerce and E-payments with human free and contactless deliveries
  • Healthcare solutions based on real time data environment using wearable


With so many opportunities ahead, you can rely on EVATES to take the next step. Contact us for more information!